PEPP Seminar (October 26th, 2023): “Heterogeneous Treatment Effect of Retirement on Cognitive Function”
By Prof. Koryu Sato (Assistant Professor of the Department of Social Epidemiology, Graduate School of Medicine and School of Public Health, Kyoto University)
Date: Thursday, October 26th, 2023
Time:16:45~18:15 (JST)
Venue: 3B405
Abstract: Previous studies have suggested that the impact of retirement on cognitive function is heterogeneous. This study used instrumental variable causal forests and explored the heterogeneity using data from 19 countries. We found that retirees had better cognitive function than workers on average and that the conditional average treatment effects varied depending on individuals’ properties. Policymakers should provide options for early retirement in the pension system to allow individuals to decide when to retire. The balance between the social benefits of increasing the state pension age versus the social costs of increasing dementia patients owing to delayed retirement should be considered.