PEPP Seminar (Nov 26th, 2024): “Rural-urban migration and the effect of government spending in developing countries” by Prof. Jingchao Li
By Prof. Jingchao Li (Assistant professor, School of Business, East China University of Science and Technology)
Time: 16:45~18:15
Title: “Rural-urban migration and the effect of government spending in developing countries”
Format: Online (Zoom)
Zoom Link (pre-registration required):
Abstract: We examine whether government spending could enhance its expansionary effect by encouraging rural-urban migration in developing countries. We answer this question using Chinese data because there are a huge rural population and large urban-rural gaps in productivity and wage due to migration costs in China. The empirical evidence shows that there is a delayed rural-urban migration of labor in response to an increase in government spending. We then derive a two-region dynamic general equilibrium model where government spending shocks influence output within and across regions. We find that the effects of government spending are substantially amplified by the rural-urban migration channel.